Hairdressing salon

Our clients own a hairdressing salon and it needed a fresh new look. The hair-washing section of the salon in particular felt very dark and enclosed and the space needed to feel much lighter and fresher. After discussions with the client it was decided that the new and updated look would incorporate stripes to maximise the look and feel of the space available. Once the walls were stripped it was evident that they needed some work in order to create a good surface to hang the new wallpaper. All cracks and holes were filled and sanded in readiness for the decorating. We also rubbed back, cleaned and undercoated all existing woodwork.

The paper that was chosen was hung in stages and layered up to create a fantastic finish in tones of dark grey, light grey and white. The overall effect really helped to lift the space and create a bright, clean space for the staff and the clients.

Posted in All projects, Commercial
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